How To Throw A Terrific Tea Party
Springtime is here, school is out, and Bridgerton season three is about to be released which means it is the perfect time to host a tea party.
A common misconception is that people believe tea parties are for young girls, but this thought cannot be more wrong. Tea parties are a budget-friendly yet fun type of party, especially for adults. The party can last as short or long as the host desires while serving sweet drinks and treats in the meantime. Also, guests can wear as much lace and frills as they desire, which is a win-win in my book.
Last week, I threw a tea party and invited a couple of my close friends. Both my friends and I had a great time, and we plan on having another. Personally, I am more than happy to host another tea party because of how fun they can be to throw.
So, I must share my tea party planning tips with you to show how fun it can be to throw one. There are seven different factors you must consider before hosting your party. By following my tips, you can expect to have a more smooth-sailing experience of party planning.
Idea Board:
Before planning your perfect party, you must take some time on Pinterest. Personally, I like to make a board specifically for the type of party I’m planning so I have an idea on what types of food, drinks, and decorations I want to include. This is also the time to pick out the party’s color scheme as well as its specific vibe. There are many different themes of tea parties including Bridgerton, summer, garden, etc. Once you determine the theme, then you can solidify what colors, items, and decorations you want to use. Also, having a clear vision of the type of party you’re planning saves money. You don’t need to buy items you already have, and you have time to look in stores and on the internet for the items you want. Either way, it is essential to have an idea of what type of party you are planning.
I have a tea party aesthetic board available on my Pintrest if you would like to use it for reference (: Here is the link:
I love outdoor parties, which is why my first choice in ideal tea party locations is outdoors. Yet, this preference doesn’t always work out because of the weather. You can always plan for the party to be held outdoors, but if it rains, make sure to have a backup plan for an indoor location. I was lucky enough to hold my party in my backyard under an outdoor tent so if it rained, we would be protected. Renting an outdoor space may be risky, so I would recommend watching the weather forecast, having a backup space, or planning the party later in the summer when it sunshines more often.
If you are planning this party on a budget, you can create e-invites using platforms such as Canva. If not, there are many different ways to create cute invitations. For one, you can have a fun night in making handmade invites from scratch using cardstock, crayons, watercolors, etc. For a more professional look, you can use platforms such as Shutterfly and Zazzle and print them out through their services. There are many different ways to create beautiful invitations; it just depends on what type you want to invest in sending.
Once you decide on a theme and invitations, you can begin searching for decorations. Usually, I pick one or two pictures from Pinterest that include decorations I want to incorporate into my party. For instance, the pictures I used for reference used candlesticks, ribbon, and floral tablecloths which are common items used for tea parties. We also bought string lights to hang above the tent for light as well.
The remainder of the decorations were things I owned, so don’t think you have to buy everything. I took items such as golden candlestick holders and tea cups that I had in my house, and they worked perfectly. Tea parties can be as inexpensive as you want them to be if you work with thrifted or previously owned items.
Typically, tea parties mainly serve sweet treats such as finger sandwiches, cakes, cookies, etc., but that does not mean you need to incorporate the same. As long as you have a vision for your party, you can serve whatever type of food you want. For my party, my guests brought one or two desserts, and we served them on the table shown below. I recommend having people bring a dessert because it ensures that everyone will eat something, and it reduces cost and stress for the host. There are other options too such as catering or making all of the food yourself. It depends on the situation of your tea party.
Despite being called a ‘tea party,’ you do not need to serve tea. My friends and I love tea so that is what I served, but mocktails, cocktails, and lemonade work just as well. For serving tea, I boiled water and poured it into my tea pot so it was available to my guests while remaining hot. Serving one type of tea may result in your guests not wanting to drink it which is why I recommend having a plethora of different flavors of tea bags available.
For an alcoholic option, wine and cocktails are also great options. Wines such as Miscato and Sweet Red are viable options because of their sweet taste. For cocktails, Shirley Temples are ideal because of their light and fruity taste.
There are many fun games and activities you can play with your guests. For games, you can purchase games such as “We’re Not Really Strangers” to get the conversation rolling. You can also look online for different card games depending on your guests and what they like to do. As for activities, you can have ‘sip and paint’ time using canvases, wine glasses, tote bags, terracotta plants, anything! You can ask your guests to bring their own canvas or whatnot to cut down on costs as well.
Tea parties are my favorite type of party because they can be very fun to be a part of. I enjoyed hosting the one I threw last week because I had fun planning it and hosting it. My final tip on how to throw a terrific tea party is to have fun. There are many ways to throw an inexpensive party, and you can ask friends and family to help out. If my best friend did not help me, I would have been way more stressed out than necessary, which is why asking for help is essential. Tea parties are meant to be a fun event for the guests and the host too!